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Who We Are



Police ● Community ● Volunteers 

The Plano Police Department began the Plano Citizens Police Academy in 1991 as a benefit to the citizens of Plano. The Alumni Association was formed by those who attended the Academy with the objective of providing volunteer efforts to benefit the City of Plano, with special emphasis on the Plano Police Department.


Hence, the mission of the Plano Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association (PCPAAA) is to bring together the graduates of the Plano Citizens Police Academy to enhance relations between the community and the police department, and to assist all law enforcement agencies. 


PCPAAA members assist the Plano Police Department and the City of Plano with civic events, fundraising, patrolling, scholarships, and in many other ways. 


All PCPAAA members are proud to be a part of Volunteers in Plano, donating our time and resources to help make Plano a wonderful place to live, work, and play.



2024 Board:

President, Frank Guckes
Vice President, Bill Werner
Secretary, Judy Brock
Treasurer, Anthony Buckalew
Past President, Fabian Gordon
Plano PD Liaison, Sgt. James Babb (see below)

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Sergeant James Babb
Liaison, Plano Police Department

A large part of the mission of the Plano Police Department is working in partnership with the community. Our PCPAAA volunteers take their part of that partnership to the next level. Not only do they engage with the department, they donate their time to show the commitment that they have to this city. With the assistance of PCPAAA volunteers we are able to enhance public safety in the City of Plano.


Chief Ed Drain

Plano Police Department

The implementation of the Plano Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association has proven to be a valuable tool, greatly appreciated by the Department and the citizens of Plano. The Department draws on the time, talents, and experience of its volunteers to allow Officers to better perform their frontline duties. We attempt to match volunteers to jobs according to their strengths and abilities. I want to thank all our volunteers for your dedication, support and loyalty shown to the Plano Police Department. Without you, we could not be as good as we are. Your service has made a tremendous impact on the citizens of Plano. We cannot thank you enough for your time and efforts.

You are the Plano Police Department’s “Everyday Heroes.”

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Corina Sadler

Volunteer Resources Supervisor

City of Plano

Vibrant volunteerism is built into the fabric of what makes Plano a City of Excellence. The members of PCPAAA exemplify servant leadership as they apply their life experience, skills and passion for service to the mission of the Plano Police Department. These men and women go above and beyond in their desire to learn from, engage with and advocate for the Plano community. I am proud to work alongside this dynamic group of volunteers and share in their love of Plano and Plano PD.

Messages About PCPAAA from Plano Leaders


CAPP, or Citizens Assisting Plano Police, is a specialized area of PCPAAA. All CAPP members are also PCPAAA members but they have taken additional training and commit to additional responsibility and levels of involvement.

CAPP members assist the police department in a wide range of duties including Patrol (Handicap Parking Citations, Open Garage Door Patrol, Motorist Assists), Park Patrols, foot patrols at special events, driving police vehicles to and from the shop and many other tasks.

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